Karen, a retired therapist, led us in a practice on emotions last Monday at Phasing Out of Trauma meeting.
She stated that feelings are neither good or bad, right or wrong. They are just feelings. We tend to embrace positive feelings while ignoring negative feelings. Both can be insightful to what is really going on inside of us.
Karen gave the example of anger. She guided us through a practice where we imagined peeling an onion. There is something that lies beneath the anger. Hurt, frustration, fear, and shame are quite common. If we allow these deeper feelings to surface, welcome, and feel them, then this can lead to peeling another layer of our trauma. When we spend time here, healing will occur, and we can become freer.
Hurt leads to forgiveness. Forgiveness leads to freedom, contentment, and peace.
Fear leads to love, which strengthens confidence, which then leads to courage.
Frustration leads to problem-solving, to discernment, and taking action to return to serenity.
Shame leads to belovedness that nourishes the soul and makes one feel whole.
Take some time in silence with God. Using the Emotion Wheel, get in touch with your emotions.
Welcome them. Feel them.
Ask yourself and God, what is this about? Why am I feeling this way?
Where do I feel this in my body?
Where did this feeling originate from? Or where have I felt it before?
What is my deeper need? To be loved, respected, safe, secure, belong, heard, seen, known, significant.
What are You trying to teach me, God?
What action do I take?
Journal your experience.
Remember emotions are not good or bad. They are our teachers.
