A Christ-centered recovery process for women who have experienced physical, emotional or sexual trauma
Integrating one’s faith and spiritual practices while growing a personal relationship with God has helped many in recovery from the effects of emotional, physical or sexual trauma. The complex consequences often create hidden and ongoing psychological and spiritual wounds impacting one’s life captivated by past hurts and difficulties. Problems may affect personal growth, contentment, and one’s ability to cope and fully enjoy relationships. Sharing stories in a small group while inviting Jesus into brokenness can support the healing process to grieve and release the pain of the past.
Participants will be able to share in a safe, confidential small group while developing awareness of how such experiences may impact one’s life and well-being. Topics will include: being the beloved; trusting God; fear, worry, anger, shame, addictions, healthy relationships and forgiveness. Specific spiritual tools: reflection and contemplative practices, Biblical understandings and prayers will be presented to encourage self-awareness and openness to God’s healing relationship. As healing occurs, one is able to experience more freedom and the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control.
This group is not therapy. It is designed to complement, not replace, any previous or ongoing professional counseling.
“For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.” Matthew 18:3
Contact me for more information on Not Alone.
Buy Anne's book for Not Alone groups on Amazon here.

In this section are testimonies from women who have participated in Not Alone. Their name was changed to protect their identity.
“I was kidnapped and raped at gunpoint when I was a young woman. I can’t say enough about this group and how much I appreciate the opportunity to participate in it. My relationship with Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit has changed dramatically. I know God loves me, even though I was not spared from the pain. The teachings and practices on shame and fear spoke to me so loudly. I know the internal changes that were made in me, because of God and this group, will be long lasting.” JH
“I suffered from the effects of sexual trauma at the hands of my father. In this group, I loved the in depth look at the Bible stories along with contemplation helped me look at my trauma from a new perspective. What I learned in a powerful way is the more my heart, mind, and being are filled with God’s love, the more I am compelled to forgive others. It doesn’t mean being a doormat or letting people abuse me. My quest for meaning and longing for peace can only come from God. Being more like Him meant I needed to forgive as He does. I was able to forgive both my parents, especially my mom who did nothing to protect us kids. The shackles that kept me in bondage melted away. I can honestly say…I am free.” Beth
“I enjoyed the gentle, gracious and supportive approach to healing as churches don’t always get this right. Seeing how Jesus feels for me, when I was emotionally abused in my marriage, has created a shift in my thinking. My trust in God has been growing since the trauma damaged my relationship with Him. I have an elevated self-esteem and confidence from being a part of this group.” Jessica
“I have been in therapy and in spiritual direction, but I have grown so much more by being a part of this group process. My anxiety is less noticeable and not out of control when I get triggered. I loved the Imaginative prayer exercise as they opened up my ability to connect with God. I felt very little trust towards God before I started the group. After going through this, I know He is really there for me.” Teresa
“I didn’t feel valued because of the trauma by my mother. I felt unworthy. Being a part of this group and helped me know in my heart that I am God’s Beloved daughter. My prayer life deepened from being a part of this group. As I practiced Soaking prayer, I had some tender, loving moments with Jesus. I even felt more love for my husband.” Emily
Contact me for more information on Not Alone.